Visualizing graphs

Graphite provides separate functions for visualizing undirected and directed graphs: plotUGraph and plotDGraph respectively.

Lets define a directed graph:

foundationUniverse :: DGraph String ()
foundationUniverse = fromArcsList
    [ "Helicon" --> "Nishaya"
    , "Helicon" --> "Wencory"
    , "Nishaya" --> "Wencory"
    , "Wencory" --> "Getorin"
    , "Wencory" --> "Cinna"
    , "Wencory" --> "Lystena"
    , "Lystena" --> "Helicon"
    , "Cinna"   --> "Florina"
    , "Florina" --> "Nishaya"
    , "Florina" --> "Derowd"
    , "Derowd"  --> "Cinna"
    , "Derowd"  --> "Lystena"

And visualize it with plotDGraph:

main :: IO ()
main = plotDGraph foundationUniverse

Foundation Universe (Directed)

We could now convert this graph to an undirected one using the toUndirected function and then visualize it with plotUGraph:

main :: IO ()
main = plotUGraph $ toUndirected foundationUniverse

Foundation Universe (Undirected)

Visualizing edged graphs

When rendering the edge attributes is needed, use the plotUGraphEdged and plotDGraphEdged functions instead.

Lets define a directed graph with Double edge attributes as the distances between planets in light years:

foundationUniverse :: DGraph String Double
foundationUniverse = fromArcsList
    [ Arc "Helicon" "Nishaya" 200.00
    , Arc "Helicon" "Wencory" 382.20
    , Arc "Nishaya" "Wencory" 820.32
    , Arc "Wencory" "Getorin" 200.40
    , Arc "Wencory" "Cinna"   190.90
    , Arc "Wencory" "Lystena" 302.08
    , Arc "Lystena" "Helicon" 500.00
    , Arc "Cinna"   "Florina" 630.80
    , Arc "Florina" "Nishaya" 090.00
    , Arc "Florina" "Derowd"  160.11
    , Arc "Derowd"  "Cinna"   807.30
    , Arc "Derowd"  "Lystena" 200.89

And visualize it with plotDGraphEdged:

main :: IO ()
main = plotDGraphEdged foundationUniverse

Foundation Universe (Directed - Weighted)

And again, we could now convert this graph to an undirected one using toUndirected and then visualize it with plotUGraphEdged:

main :: IO ()
main = plotUGraphEdged $ toUndirected foundationUniverse

Foundation Universe (Undirected - Weighted)

Plotting to PNG images

In order to output the graphs to PNG images, a new pair of functions are available: plotUGraphPng and plotDGraphPng. These will take a file path for the PNG output image as an additional parameter.

Lets use the first foundationUniverse graph to try them out:

main :: IO ()
main = plotDGraphPng foundationUniverse "./foundation.png"

And convert it to undirected as well:

main :: IO ()
main = plotUGraphPng (toUndirected foundationUniverse) "./foundation.png"